Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Three Months Ceremony for Baby's in Bali

Three Months Ceremony
Bali has many tradition, especially for Hinduism, one of the tradition called Three months ceremony for baby, this ceremony is a part of Human ceremonies and will be held 105 days after the baby was born (in Balinese calender one month = 35 days). The purpose of this ceremony is to recognize the world for the young baby,give the baby name of the baby and  of course thankfulness to God (Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa) which keep the baby in the womb until birth.

Some Symbol used in the Three Months ceremony :

* Regek namely woven coconut leaves 108 human form, as a symbol of Nyama Bajang
* Papah the ivory palm leaf stem base as a symbol of the placenta,
* Pusuh the heart of banana as a symbol getih (blood),
* Stone as a symbol of yeh-nyom,
* Blego as a symbol of Lamas,
* Chicken as a symbol of atma,
* A pot that broke ground as a symbol of the womb that had given birth to a baby,
* Mortar stone as a symbol of strength Vishnu,
* Pane symbol Windu (Hyang Widhi)
* Water in the pane symbol akasa
* Stairs from sugarcane yellow,three pieces of wood dadap symbol of Smara-Ratih (Hyang Widhi which gives blessed to the husband-wife). 

Priest or Pemangku bless holy water (tirta)In the evening after those ceremony, usually Yajamana (people who celebrate this ceremony) will held Shadowgraph or wayang kulit to get Holy water (tirta) by puppeteer which have been purified before.

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